The holy Rabbi Baruch of Mezhirech grew up in the home of the holy Rabbi Pinhas of Korets when the latter lived in Ostraha. It was there, in Ostraha, that Rabbi Baruch married, and afterwards still frequented Rabbi Pinhas`s house. One time Rabbi Baruch was lying on a couch in Rabbi Pinhas`s house and sleeping. Rabbi Pinhas told the members of his household: "Stand around Rabbi Baruch`s bed, and I will show you something new." They stood around the bed, and Rabbi Pinhas went over to the Mezuzah. He covered it with his hand, and Rabbi Baruch immediately began to move as if wakening from his sleep, and when Rabbi Pinhas removed his hand from the Mezuzah, Rabbi Baruch once again slept peacefully, and this repeated itself several times. Rabbi Pinhas told them: "You see how far Rabbi Baruch`s holiness extends - even in his sleep he does not remove his thoughts from adherence to the Lord."